Everything we do at St Andrew’s Church in Chorleywood is made possible by your giving.
Whether financially or non-financially, giving back in some form is a way of expressing your kindness and generosity to others.
We understand in the current climate that many households are struggling financially. Therefore at this time you may like to consider other ways you can give to the life of our church. If you would like to find out about volunteering at St Andrew’s church, please do get in touch by emailing: hello@st-andrews.org.uk
Regular Giving
To support the work of St Andrew’s you can give one-off gifts, or set up recurring donations (via card) through the ‘Donate here’ button, however this will incur a small transaction fee, so we would prefer you to set up a standing order through your bank using the bank details as shown on our ‘Regular Giving Form’ below. If you're not comfortable with online banking then please fill in the form and post it to your bank.
For those able to gift aid their donation, who don’t already have an active gift aid declaration with St Andrew’s you can make a gift aid declaration in the MyGiving section of MyChurchSuite. If you are not currently using MyChurchSuite, you can make a gift aid declaration by clicking the button below.
Donating via the ‘My ChurchSuite’ App
If you are a user of MyChurchSuite then Donating will be easier for you as your personal details will be pre-completed, just go-to the ‘My Giving’ section of the App. It will also be easier for us because our systems will be reconciled automatically. If you are not a MyChurchSuite user but would like to be then please email the church office and request an invitation to MyChurchSuite. Thank you.