Detonate Light Party

Like you guys, we loved Detonate in the summer and we decided we couldn’t wait until next summer to do it all again! So, we will be having a Detonate Light Party on Saturday 2nd November at St Andrew’s Chorleywood. We would love to see you all there!

Sign up now!

If you would like to join us at the Light Party for fun, games, craft, food, mess and loads more then sign up at the link below and buy a ticket to come along. Tickets cost £2 per child. Spaces for this event are limited so sign up quickly to avoid disapppointment.

We Need Your Help!

To be able to put on this event we don’t just need the children to sign up, we need leaders too! So if you think you could help, be that with an age group or in other areas such as, craft, refreshments, games, worship, face painting, security or various other roles then please sign up today.